"Old Route 66 passed through Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, where you cannot miss Evangelo's Bar. It has a big neon sign featuring the Greek flag and the face of a young American soldier, a cigarette between his lips and a determined stare. It's a picture familiar from numerous reproductions, from LIFE magazine to a recent memorial stamp - the famous photo taken by world class photographer Eugene Smith in 1944 that became the unofficial icon of the American ‘unknown soldier’. Entering the bar, you will soon learn that the iconic American soldier was in fact Greek; he managed to get American citizenship only several years after the war. This little bar, considered one of the best live music spots in Santa Fe, was his way of earning his living and is now in the hands of one of his three sons, Nick.Old Route 66 passed through Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, where you cannot miss Evangelo's Bar. It has a big neon sign featuring the Greek flag and the face of a young American soldier, a cigarette between his lips and a determined stare. It's a picture familiar from numerous reproductions, from LIFE magazine to a recent memorial stamp - the famous photo taken by world class photographer Eugene Smith in 1944 that became the unofficial icon of the American ‘unknown soldier’. Entering the bar, you will soon learn that the iconic American soldier was in fact Greek; he managed to get American citizenship only several years after the war. This little bar, considered one of the best live music spots in Santa Fe, was his way of earning his living and is now in the hands of one of his three sons, ..."
Ολονυχτία, Θάνος Ξηρός
Νύχτα βαθιά να σέρνεται στην άσφαλτο
Νταλίκα τριαξονική κεράσια φορτωμένη και
Πλημμυρισμένη φώτα και καϋμούς του Καζαντζίδη
Τσιγάρα σέρτικα, πατ...
9 months ago
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