[see Table of Contents below]
Greek America
History and Historiography
Writings in Blogs and the Media
Yiorgos Anagnostou ©
The writings in this collection sprang from several intertwined desires, intellectual and affective. Deep feeling, while thinking about or experiencing particular Greek American realities, was one driving force. Another was the need to keep public memory alive about events not recognized as broadly as their significance requires. Also at work was an aspect of the research process––presenting knowledge left out from publication in the interest of space. Occasionally, a piece derived from research undertaken for work on a peer-reviewed project. This found its way into my blogs, which explains the long, article-like feel of some of the entries. In a few cases, let me note, I incorporated sections of my academic publications into blogs in my wish to bring the research closer to the broader public.
This collection documents an aspect of my writing life amidst major writing commitments––articles, book chapters, essays, editorials, book reviews, poems as well as blogs published in Ergon: Greek/American & Diaspora Arts and Letters, which are not included in this corpus.
Several of the writings featured here were meant as interventions in unfolding public conversations, produced in circumstances associated with intense, often overwhelming, work schedules. This urgency compromised, to some extent, the depth and range of my thinking as well as the degree of narrative expressiveness necessary for evoking complexity. This has been a relative drawback, but a price I was willing to pay in exchange for my intellectual contribution on issues that mattered to me.
The bulk of the writings were initially published in my blog Immigrations–Ethnicities–Racial Situations: Writings about Difference and Contact Zones (I-E-RS) (, a venue which was founded in 2010. Some comprise book reviews and essays published in the media––Greek and Greek American mostly; I also include a Greek Australian example.
I would like to take the opportunity and express my debt to
Kostis Kourelis given that my venturing into blogging was greatly inspired by his Objects-Buildings-Situations (, an initiative I admired for its eloquence and substance. The term “situations,” a borrowing in the title of I-E-RS, speaks to this affinity.
In I-E-RS, readers will also find entries pertaining to popular culture, including film, literature, Greek American studies, the politics of diaspora. I plan to compile and make this facet of my work available later in 2025.
Table of Contents
The Helen Zeese Papanikolas Papers (1954-2009):
Entering a Greek/American Archive
Why Support Greek American Archives? [Greek Cultural Resources, Meletios Pouliopoulos]
Making the Archive, Animating It
Our Responsibility in Representing Greek American History and Why it Matters
[African Americans and Greek Americans]
Immigrant Adaptations: Reflections
Greek Americans and African Americans in Conflict and Solidarity
[Review of George Pelecanos’ The Turnaround]
Explaining Immigrant Mobility: Do not Neglect the Race Factor
[Review of Larry Odzak's Demetrios is Now Jimmy: Greek Immigrants in the Southern United States, 1895-1965].
Intra-Greek Conflicts in New York City
Migrant Letters as Agents for Rethinking Greek Migrant Historiography?
“When Greeks and Turks Met”: Cultures in Dialogue, Nationalisms in Conflict
[Review of Demetra Vaka's The Unveiled Ladies of Istanbul (Stamboul)]
Empowering Greek American Women
[Review of Constance Callinicos’ American Aphrodite: Growing Up Female in Greek America]
Women in early Greek America – Ελληνοαμερικανίδες:
Μεταξύ Παράδοσης και Νεωτερικότητας
Immigrant Women’s Culture and the Ethic of Empathy
[Helen Papanikolas]
The Journeys of an Immigrant Woman: A Quest for Home
[Helen Papanikolas]
Greek American Histories, Popular and Scholarly
Migrant Spaces Encounters: Autobiographical, Introduction
Migrant Spaces Encounters: Reading Aspects of Greek Migrant History_A Structure of Feeling
[Helen Papanikolas]
Lindsay Hand's Paintings _ “Remembering the Ludlow Massacre” (2014)
Revisiting Ludlow: Its Enduring Legacy
Louis Tikas: Cretan and Greek Identities in Poetry and History
On the Causes of the Castle Gate Mine Disaster (1924): Human Life, Science, Government, Industrial Capitalism, and the Law
The Responsibility of Remembering the Castle Gate Mine Disaster (1924)
Το Χρέος της Μνήμης
[Τhe Castle Gate Mine Disaster]
Ελληνική Κοινότητα Μελβούρνης: Αγώνας για Ιδεολογική Επικράτηση––Ανταγωνισμός μεταξύ Κοσμικής και Θρησκευτικής Προσέγγισης
[Βιβλιοκριτική του «Σάρκα και Οστά της Μακρινής Πατρίδας: Η ιστορία της Ελληνικής Ορθόδοξης Κοινότητας Μελβούρνης και Βικτώριας από την ίδρυσή της μέχρι το 1972» (Γεωργία Χαρπαντίδου)]
Η Αμερική ως Κάτοπτρο
[Βιβλιοκριτική του «Το όραμα των Ελλήνων για τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής: Από την Ελληνική Επανάσταση έως τον Πρώτο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο» (Κωνσταντίνος Διώγος)]
A Posthumous Letter to Dan Georgakas
February 1, 2025
Yiorgos Anagnostou
Ohio State University