Chrissochoidis Ilias. On
the Trails of the American Dream: A Tale of Self-exile - A voyage of no Return
(Greek Edition) (Stanford: Brave World, 2011), 122 pp. ISBN 978-0615479330.
The adventures and
reflections of a young intellectual as he prepares to emigrate to America.”
Blogs &
Resource Portals – a) Blogs
Greek-American Family Notes
In reference to Greek Americans in Stockton, CA
Irene Archos, the founder of,
has been a journalist, writer, editor and teacher for over two decades.
The idea for the site was spawned after a very stoggy, conservative and
male-oriented media outlet killed her weekly column, “On Being a
Greek American” because it was not
“politically correct.” Not discouraged, she compiled her weekly essays
into a longer memoir published under the same title. After getting fed up
with pitching story ideas and essays to the narrow clique of male-dominated
news organizations, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Thus, was born. The impetus for the site was
spawned by the need for a targeted journal
who took the needs, issues and accomplishments of women of the Hellenic
diaspora seriously. While Greek Americans and other Diaspora groups have
been in the country for centuries, there is as of yet no magazine or other
media product that broadcasts the female voice. The Greek media machine amounts
to little more than blurbs about which organization or society met and had
dinner, gave an award, or cut a “basilopita.” It was hard to find a publication
where the real issues that plague our cultural group, especially from a woman’s
perspective, were talked about honestly. Additionally, because Greek women are
so underplayed in their patriarchal societies, a site which featured their
accomplishments and gave them the credit they deserved was crucial. Read more,
…Ξεκίνησα το παρόν ιστολόγιο χωρίς σαφή στόχο, για να καταπολεμήσω
την απομόνωση που ένιωσα καθώς βρέθηκα ξαφνικά σ’ένα απόλυτα ξένο περιβάλλον, μόνη
μου μέσα στο σπίτι για ώρες ατελείωτες, μακριά απ’ τους ανθρώπους και τα μέρη που
μέχρι τότε πλαισίωναν τη ζωή μου. Γρήγορα συνειδητοποίησα ότι είχε τη δυνατότητα
να μετατραπεί σε διαρκές “θάψιμο” πολιτιστικών χαρακτηριστικών της Αμερικής, εξέλιξη
που καθόλου δεν επιθυμούσα. Ταυτόχρονα κατάλαβα ότι θα μπορούσε να είναι μια διέξοδος
για όλες τις σκέψεις μου τις σχετικές με τη μεταμοντέρνα εποχή, την κρίση, την εθνική
ταυτότητα, τη συλλογική κουλτούρα, τον πολιτιστικό μας χαρακτήρα, σκέψεις που με
απασχολούν πολύ και που δεν μπορώ εύκολα να μοιραστώ υπό τις παρούσες συνθήκες.
Έτσι, αυτά που διαβάζετε εδώ αποτελούν κάτι ανάμεσα σε πολιτιστικό σχολιασμό,
δημόσιο στοχασμό και προσωπική μαρτυρία, καθώς συνοδεύουν την αναζήτησή μου για
το τι σημαίνει ή τι θα έπρεπε να σημαίνει να είμαστε Έλληνες σήμερα. Όσο συνεχίζω
να γράφω, εύχομαι να βρω, τόσο εγώ, όσο – γιατί όχι; – ίσως κι εσείς, κάποιες
απαντήσεις στα υπαρξιακά ερωτηματικά που δε σταματούν να με προβληματίζουν.
Διαβάστε περισσότερα,
Blogs &
Resource Portals – Blog Entries
Anagnostou, Yiorgos. “How Do we
Teach Race in Courses on European Americans?”
Anagnostou, Yiorgos. “Zorba
Doesn’t Live Here Anymore: The Creation of an American Zorba,”
Blogs &
Resource Portals – b) Resource Portals
Greek American Heritage Society
of Philadelphia
Greek Historical Society of the San Francisco Bay Area
Growing Up Greek American,
Βεντούρα, Λίνα & Λάμπρος
Μπαλτσιώτης. «Εισαγωγή – Κρατικές πολιτικές για ομοεθνείς μειονότητες και πληθυσμούς της διασποράς:
Η σύγκλιση των προσεγγίσεων», στο Λίνα Βεντούρα & Λάμπρος Μπαλτσιώτης
(επιμ.), Το Έθνος Πέραν των Συνόρων: «Όμογενειακές» Πολιτικές του Ελληνικού Κράτους.
Βιβλιόραμα, (2013): 9–30.
Βόγλη, Ελπίδα [Vogli Elpida]. «Το
‘Ετος Αποδήμου Ελληνισμού’ (1951): Η ελληνική ομογενειακή πολιτική στις απαρχές
του Ψυχρού Πολέμου», στο Λίνα Βεντούρα & Λάμπρος Μπαλτσιώτης (επιμ.), Το
Έθνος Πέραν των Συνόρων: «Όμογενειακές» Πολιτικές του Ελληνικού Κράτους.
Βιβλιόραμα, (2013): 345–372.
Βόγλη, Ελπίδα [Vogli Elpida]. «Η ελληνική πολιτική απέναντι
στους απόδημους Έλληνες κατά το πρώτο μισό του 20ού αιώνα», στο M.
Rossetto, M. Tsianikas, G. Couvalis and M. Palaktsoglou (eds), Greek
Research in Australia: Proceedings of the Eighth Biennial International
Conference of Greek Studies, Flinders University June 2009, Flinders
University Department of Languages-Modern Greek: Adelaide, South
Australia, (2011): 661–671. (Το άρθρο είναι διαθέσιμο στο διαδίκτυο:
Βόγλη, Ελπίδα [Vogli Elpida]. «Το έθνος και η ελληνική
διασπορά στον πολιτικό λόγο του Κωνσταντίνου Τσάτσου», στο Κωνσταντίνος
Τσάτσος, φιλόσοφος, συγγραφέας, πολιτικός (Πρακτικά Διεθνούς Επιστημονικού
Συνεδρίου, Αθήνα, 6-8. Νοεμβρίου 2009), Γρανάδα-Αθήνα: Κέντρο Βυζαντινών,
Νεοελληνικών και Κυπριακών Σπουδών, Εταιρεία Φίλων Κ. και Ι. Τσάτσου
(2010): 667–682.
Vogli, Elpida. “The Making of Greece Abroad: Continuity and
Change in the Modern Diaspora Politics of a “Historical” Irredentist
Homeland”, in Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 17.1 (2011): 14–33.
Vogli, Elpida. “A Greece for Greeks by Descent?
Nineteenth-Century Policy on Integrating the Greek Diaspora”, στο Dimitris
Tziovas (επιμ.), Greek Diaspora and
Migration since 1700: Society, Politics and Culture, Surrey: Ashgate
(2009): 99–110.
George. “Greeks
of the Diaspora: Modernizers or an Obstacle to Progress? ” International Journal on World
Peace. Vol. 23.2 (June 2006): 49–70.
Dissertations and Theses
Σωτηροπούλου, Χρυσάνθη, Η Διασπορά στην
Ελληνική Κινηματογραφία. Επιδράσεις και επιρροές στη θεματολογική εξέλιξη των ταινιών της περιόδου 1945-1986. Διδακτορική Διατριβή,
Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών (ΕΚΠΑ), Σχολή Νομικών, Οικονομικών
και Πολιτικών Επιστημών, Τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης και Δημόσιας Διοίκησης,
Leonidas V. Living the Crisis: Identities
and Materialities in a Transnational Greek Setting. Diss. Southern
Illinois University, Carbondale, 2012.
Documentary – a) Documentaries
a) Documentaries
Κωστής και Κώστας Βάκκας. [Karpozilos, Kostis and Kostas Vakkas].
Ταξισυνειδησία – Η Άγνωστη Ιστορία του Ελληνοαμερικανικού Ριζοσπασμού.
[Greek-American Radicals: the Untold Story]. Idea Films, 2013. (entire documentary
w/ english subtitles)
Xanthopoulos, Lefteris. “George Papanicolaou Documentary”
(2013) (Greek with English subtitles)
c) Documentaries – Reviews
Reviews of Kαρπόζηλος, Κωστής
και Κώστας Βάκκας. [Karpozilos, Kostis and Kostas Vakkas].
[Greek-American Radicals: the Untold Story]. Idea Films, 2013:
Χριστόπουλος, Δημήτρης.
2014. «Την ύφεση την συνηθίζεις διότι έρχεται αργά σαν την αρθρίτιδα». Χρόνος,
τεύχος 9, Ιανουάριος [review
Greek American Radicals – The Untold Story]
Despina Lalaki’s review translated into English by
Nicholas Levis, “The Predicament of the Greek Diaspora: Economic Crisis,
Immigrant Radicalism and Greek-American Ethnic Identity.” Χρόνος,
τεύχος 9, Ιανουάριος (2014).
Patrona, Theodora. “The Female Ethnic Writer’s Return
to the Ancestral Hearth: Greece and Italy Revisited” in Mobile
Narratives, eds. Eleftheria Arapoglou, Monika Fodor and Jopi Nymann.
London: Routledge (2013): 187–198.
Patrona,Theodora.“Ex-centric Mythic Wanderings in Catherine Temma
Davidson’s The Priest Fainted (1998)”
in Ex-Centric Narratives: Identity, Multivocality and
Cross-Culturalism. Eds. Yemenedzi-Malathouni, Rapatzikou, Arapoglou. Bethesda, [Md.]: Αcademica Press, (2012):
Greek America
– Miscellaneous
Emerging Voices of Greek
America. Annamarie Buonocore, Anna Tsiotsias, Georgea Polizos, and Peter
Hasiakos. The AHIF Policy Journal, Vol.
5, Spring 2014.
Patrona, Theodora. “Greek-Americans.” Multicultural
America: A Multimedia Encyclopedia. Ed. Carlos Cortez. Los Angeles:
Sage (2013): 1000–1003.
Zanetou, Artemis. "The Fulbright Program and the Future of Hellenism in America." The AHIF Policy Journal, Vol. 5, Spring
Greek American Studies
Anagnostou, Yiorgos. “White Ethnicity: A
Reappraisal.” Italian American Review.
3.2 (Summer 2013): 99–128.
Anagnostou, Yiorgos. “Empowering ‘Greek American
December 11, 2013.
Anagnostou, Yiorgos. “Modern Greek Studies at the
University Level: Challenges and Opportunities.” Modern Greek Studies
Association website, (2013)
Klironomos, Martha. “The Status of Modern Greek
Studies in Higher Education: A Case Study on the West Coast of the United
States.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 24.1 (2006): 153–169.
Leontis, Artemis. “Modern Greek
Studies at the University Level: Challenges and Opportunities.” The AHIF Policy
Journal, Vol. 3, Winter 2011-12.
Leontis, Artemis. “Greek-American Studies are Growing at North
American Campuses.”
– a) Community and Regional Histories
Doulis, Tom. A Surge to the Sea, “the Greeks in
Oregon,” 1977, Jack Lockie & Associates.
Doulis, Tom. Landmarks of Our Past: “The First
75 Years of the Greek Orthodox Community of Oregon,” Gann Publishing Company,
Doulis, Tom. A Century of Celebration, “Faith,
History and Community, A 100 Year Commemorative Album, 1907-2007,” 2007, Jack
Lockie & Associates.
Author’s statement: “These
articles were written and published locally as my donations to this past of the
Greek Orthodox community of Holy Trinity of Portland, Oregon and are enhanced
by historic photographs, at a time when this was unusual and involved a great
deal of risk to get the valuable photographs turned over by the families at an
age when reproduction of photographs was not simple and safe.”
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church San Francisco
Years: The history of the Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church is linked to the history of the city of San
Francisco. The Orthodox faith has long had a presence in San Francisco with
some records dating to 1857. Prior to the establishment of their own parish,
Greeks worshipped and Greek priests often ministered to the Greek Orthodox
faithful at the only Orthodox church in San Francisco, the Russian Orthodox
church , founded in 1868. It wasn’t until 1892 when the Hellenic Mutual
Benevolent Society was formed that initiatives to establish a Greek Orthodox
church, organize community events and respond to tragic events occurring in Greece
got underway. Read more,
History – c)
History and Historiography Scholarship
Moskos, Peter C., and Charles
C. Moskos. Greek Americans: Struggle and
Success. (with an introduction by Michael Dukakis). Third Edition.
Transaction Publishers. 2014.
Παπαδόπουλος, Γιάννης. «Κράτος,
σύλλογοι, Εκκλησία: Απόπειρες ελέγχου των ελλήνων μεταναστών στις ΗΠΑ στις
αρχές του 20ού αιώνα», στο Λίνα Βεντούρα & Λάμπρος Μπαλτσιώτης (επιμ.), Το
Έθνος Πέραν των Συνόρων: «Όμογενειακές» Πολιτικές του Ελληνικού Κράτους.
Βιβλιόραμα, (2013): 219–252.
Identity &
Georgakas, Dan. “On Being Greek in America:
Journal of Modern Hellenism, No.
29 (Winter 2012-2013):
Hantzopoulos, M. 2005. “English Only? Greek Language as
Currency in Queens, New York City.” In Languages,
Communities, and Education, Z.
Zakharia and T. Arnstein eds. 3–8. New York: Society for International
Education Teachers College, Columbia University.
– a) Fiction
Doulis, Tom. Path for our Valor, Simon and
Schuster, 1963.
Gus Damianos, one of three
protagonists in the pre-Kennedy Special Forces on military maneuvers.
Doulis, Tom. The Quarries of Sicily. Crown.
An American translator of an
elderly Greek writer during the years of the military Junta as he translates a
short novel that is a warning to the United States about its adventure in
Doulis, Tom. The Open Hearth. Xlibris, 2000.
The first generation of a
Greek family (the Stratons) as they confront the ethnic confusion and
privations of the steel industry and unionism in Western Pennsylvania.
Doulis, Tom. City of Brotherly Love. Xlibris,
2008. Unagented.
The second and third generations
of the Greek family (the Stratons) as they encounter the politically and
racially changed years of post World War Two Philadelphia.
Zervanos, Jim. 2009. Love Park. Brule, WI: Cable Publishing.
In his search for identity and manhood, Peter, the son of
a Greek Orthodox priest, discovers a secret that can tear his family apart.
Literature & Poetry – c) Poetry
Alexiou, Nicholas. Astoria:
Exile People Places.
Boston, Massachusetts: Somerset Hall Press, 2013.
A bilingual collection of
poetry in Greek and English about Greeks in America, particularly in the
Astoria section of New York.
Γιώργος. Λόγοι χ Αμερικής. Ενδυμίων,
Illuminations: An International Magazine of Contemporary Writing. Issue 29 (2013).
A special theme issue on Greece, past and present, real
and imagined. The volume features poetry, photography, creative nonfiction,
works in translation, and vignettes chronicling current life in Greece in the
wake of riots and economic sanctions. The issue also looks backward to myth
examining the persistence of myth in modern Greek life. Featured writers
include Paticia Nelson, Lili Bita, Robert Zaller, Kelly Cherry, Nick Trakakis,
James Doyle, Adrienne Kalfopoulou, and many other diasporic writers interested
in exploring Greece and Greek heritage.
David. Ludlow (A Verse–Novel). Los
Angeles: Red Hen Press, 2007.
“Mason’s poetry explores a wide range of
subjects, including family, relationships, the outdoors, travel, history, and
the American West. Adept in traditional forms, Ludlow uses blank verse
to tell the story of the 1914 Ludlow massacre—in which miners and their
families were killed by the Colorado National Guard. Brighde Mullins, reviewing
Ludlow in the Dark Horse, called the book a “cinematic
contemplation in poetry” in which Mason examines the lives of real and invented
characters, the Colorado terrain, and the immigrant experience.
Mason’s prose includes a memoir about Greece, News
from the Village: Aegean Friends (2010), and a collection of essays, The
Poetry of Life and the Life of Poetry (1999). He has co-edited the
anthologies of poetry Rebel Angels: 25 Poets of the New Formalism (1996),
Twentieth Century American Poetry (2004), and Western Wind: An
Introduction to Poetry (2005), as well as the essay collection Twentieth
Century American Poetics: Poets on the Art of Poetry (2003)” [Source,]
Samaras, Nicholas. American Psalm, World Psalm. Ashland
Poetry Press, 2014.
Γιώργος. Λεξικό Αναμνήσεων. Μελάνι
‘Λεξικό αναμνήσεων’ του Γιώργου Χουλιάρα συνιστά αλφαβητικό μυθιστόρημα της
ζωής ενός συγγραφέα... και διαβάζεται με κάθε τρόπο που επιτρέπουν ή επιβάλλουν
οι τεχνολογίες της ανάγνωσης.
Το "Λεξικό αναμνήσεων"...
παρετυμολογεί τις εν λόγω περιστάσεις... συνδυάζει προβλέψεις περί διασποράς
και αποκαλύπτει τις περιπετειώδεις συνέπειες των γάμων ρομαντισμού και
Το "Λεξικό" συνεπάγεται αλφαβητάριο για νεκρούς και
ζωντανούς, που εκλιπαρούν... οπισθογραφούν... εκτυφλώνονται ... και
απασφαλίζουν αλγορίθμους της πυροτεχνουργικής ιστορίας της γλώσσας μας….”
& Poetry – d) Poetry reviews
Μπασκόζος, Γιάννης Ν. 2013.
«Νίκος Αλεξίου: Ενας Πλακιώτης Μανχατανάς.» Ο Αναγνώστης. 11/27. Review of Astoria: Exile People Places by Nicholas Alexiou (νίκος-αλεξίου-ένας-πλακιώτης-μανχατα/)
& Poetry – e)
Literature and Poetry Scholarship
Klironomos, Martha. “‘Uncertain
Histories Shared or Alone’: Memory in Postmodern Diasporic Writing.” In Studia in Honorem Professoris Jacques
Bouchard. ['Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Jacques Bouchard.'] Ed.
Dorina M. Magarin. Editura Etnous: Brasov, Romania. Pp. 91–110 (2013).
and Song – Performance
League, Panayiotis (Paddy). “Living the Dance in Tarpon Springs: Music and
Movement in a Greek–American Community.” Forum Folkloristika: East European Folklife Center. Issue 1 (Spring 2012).
Politics and Ethnicity
Georgakas, Dan. “Election Year
Possibilities for Greek American Activism.” The AHIF Policy Journal, Vol. 3,
Winter 2011-12.
Argeros, Grigoris. "A Look at Americans of Greek
Ancestry," The National Herald, June 29-July 5, 2013.
Using recent data from the
Census Bureau, this article presents a brief socioeconomic and demographic
overview of one segment within the Greek-American group: those of Greek ancestry.
Argeros, Grigoris."Brief Analysis of Greek Immigrants
in the U.S. Compared to U.S. Immigrants Overall." The National
Herald, August 24-30, 2013.
Using up-to-date
individual-level census data from the 2011 American Community Survey (ACS) we
briefly examine the socioeconomic status and family/household characteristics
of Greek immigrants compared to the overall immigrant population in the U.S.
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